Software for electrical and photovoltaic engineering

New features 2021 Series - Electrical grid calculation

Electro Graphics releases the latest 2021 Series of electrical and photovoltaic design software. Here are the most important features and enhancements introduced about Electrical grid calculation in the  software Ampère line and EGlink.


Ampère Ampère Ampère


See all new features 2021:


Transformers, TWT transformers and two-phase - single-phase connections

• Management of two-winding transformers with zig-zag secondary (vector groups Dzn and Yzn11).

• Data entry interface extension for TWT three-winding transformers.

• For transformers, UPS and single-phase converters, it is now possible to connect phase to phase on the upstream network, with relative fault calculation.

Motor starting with VFD inverter

Inverters, also called frequency converters, are used where high performance is required for starting and controlling the speed of motors such as:

• applications with a high starting torque;

• speed control and system efficiency at reduced speeds in run mode;

• possibility of keeping the rotor at zero speed;

• continuous feedback for critical position control.

In Ampère, the starter is inserted in the same units as the motor, together with the general protection and the pipeline. The start-up is a software-managed AC/AC converter, defined as VFD inverter for motors, with properties dedicated to motor control.

By choosing a start-up device from the Devices archive, Ampère detects any installation information: on the panel or on the machine.

Multiproject calculation - Quick method

Ampère updates the entire Multiproject by calculating all the individual files in order in order to ensure the Load Flow of the power and the analysis of faults. The iterative method allows to reach an excellent final approximation of the electrical variables and to handle the resolution of grid with a large number of units.

It is recommended to use this option for projects that exceed a total number of 2000 users, divided into rows of approximately 1000 users each..

Relay releases with functions according to ANSI / IEEE C37.2

The relay type medium voltage electrical protections now allow the management of additional ANSI functions.

These relays, used in the most important points of an electrical system, such as generators, transformers, substations, etc., possess controls and functions to protect and control the network. We can find controls for voltage, frequency, power, synchronism of the motors and more, named by a common coding that originates from the ANSI / IEEE C37.2 document.

These characteristics will be shown in the protections printouts, and in particular in the Calibrations printout, which is important for the final adjustment of the protections.

Multiple units editing and protection interface

• Improved units editing, for greater flexibility in multiple editing; multiple change of PE status, number of poles, type of cable etc ...

• Review of the protections interface with consistency checks on the data introduced.

• New interface for inserting protection trip curves.

MV cells with typical combined elements and accessories

The MV / HV cells are switchboards containing the typical disconnection and protection devices of medium voltage systems. They have standard configurations and in limited combinations, with some peculiarities typical of medium voltage.

Ampère Professional proposes or filters these protections to facilitate their insertion and provides a dedicated graphic representation.

The choice of MV / HV cell also affects the method of choosing the protections: circuit-breakers with relays can only be inserted with the Insert circuit-breaker and Release relay commands.

Single-line diagram with MV cells

The drawing of the single-line diagram has been improved with the blocks relating to the medium voltage cells.

The representation is enriched with the symbology of the switch disconnectors, the symbology of the releases and uses a title block dedicated to medium voltage units.

Storage systems in AC and DC (Ampère Pro)

These devices, normally present in parallel with photovoltaic or wind generators, can be inserted to compensate for periods of lack of energy production. However, they can be used as a normal reserve, increasing network security by being able to cope with energy gaps, similar to the UPS.

The electrical model used by the software relates to electrochemical storage systems, having a capability given by the combination of the inverter curve (PNINV power circular) with the battery curve (defined as a rectangle with a height between PCMAX and PSMAX and a width equal to a -Qi + Qi of the inverter).

They can be connected both in alternating and direct current grids.

Batteries and energy regulation

A new battery-related feature is Regulated Energy Production. If the battery is inserted in a grid with no power constraints, that is, it is not supplying any isolated loads, then it will supply the rated current of the battery. The capacity at 10 hours and the utilization coefficient are important for fine-tuning the current fed into the grid.

Checks on measurement CTs / TOs and protection CTs

Further tests on measurement CTs / TOs and tests on protection CTs according to the IEC standard are now available.

The saturation checks have been extended to the measurement CTs, also. Contrary to what happens for protection CTs, saturation of the measuring transformer core is now recommended in the event of high currents, thus ensuring the integrity of the instrumentation connected to the secondary.

Grounding transformer or Neutral forming transformer

Now it is possible to insert in to the Ampère project grid the zigzag grounding transformer, to create a missing neutral connection. They provide an earth connection to the fault currents. In applications where neutral grounding is required (directly or through an impedance), and the star point of the power transformer is not available for a connection, then the neutral forming transformer is used.

Calculation of cable capacities according to IEC 61892-4: 2019 and 60502-2 x HEPR

• The new revision of the standard on the capacities of cables for naval use IEC 61892-4: 2019 is available.

• in MV grid, the verification of cables in HEPR is updated according to the IEC 60502-2 standard.


Ampère proposes new printing models for project documentation.

• Protections (curve) and Protections (manufacturer, curve): list of users with protection data and trip curve.

• Motors - Direct and Star / Delta.

• Motors - Soft starter.

• Motors - VFD Inverter.

Updating and extension of archives

• Extension of the device archive and maintenance.


EGlink: BIM integration between Revit© MEP and Ampère Professional

EGlink is an interchange plug-in between Autodesk Revit and Ampére Professional and represents the Electro Graphics's response to BIM (Building Information Modeling) process mode.  Here are the most important features and enhancements introduced in EGlink 2021.

Compatibility with Revit 2021

EGlink is now compatible with Revit 2021, also.

New annotative labels

In order to report in the annotative labels on cable conduits and pipes more information about the routed units, the information Description and Panel have been added.

See all new features 2021:

