Software for electrical and photovoltaic engineering

New features 2024 Series - Wiring harness and Materials list

Electro Graphics releases the latest 2024 Series of electrical and photovoltaic design software. Here are the most important features and enhancements introduced about wiring harness in Cablo and about materials list in Tabula.


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Saving and downloading project data in EG cloud, with the possibility of sharing with other operators

EG Cloud is a cloud-based data backup and sharing service, managed through the software infrastructure and data center of Acronis®, which Electro Graphics makes available to users of software under warranty and/or maintenance contract.

EG Cloud offers a range of features that allow users to save, share, and access their data securely and easily. Some of these features include:

• Uploading projects to your own cloud space, organized into folders and subfolders.

• Downloading and opening projects previously uploaded to EG Cloud.

• Navigating your cloud space through the EG Cloud browser.

• Creating sharing links for projects.

• Accessing your cloud space through the Acronis web portal.

• Accessing your cloud space from mobile devices through the Acronis Cyber Files app.

EG Cloud is a valuable tool for users who want to have secure and easy access to their data. Its features make it easy to save, share, and access projects quickly and easily, even remotely.

Here are some of the benefits of using EG Cloud:

• Security: Data is stored in a secure cloud and protected by Acronis®.

• Accessibility: Data can be easily accessed from any device connected to the internet.

• Flexibility: Data can be easily shared with other users.

• Organization: Data can be easily organized into folders and subfolders.

• Efficiency: EG Cloud saves time and money by eliminating the need to purchase and manage your own server.

 EG Cloud cloud saving and sharing service New feature 2024

Ability to use Microsoft SQL Server databases for archive management

Sharing archives between multiple users within a corporate network can simplify work and ensure that all users have access to the same up-to-date data.

To use archive sharing over the network, you need to install a local LAN network with the TCP/IP protocol. The adopted Client/Server technology allows you to perform searches and filters on archives with the same performance as can be obtained with locally installed archives.

Workstations that use Electro Graphics products and want to use the archive sharing mode in client-server mode must be connected to each other on the local network, including the computer on which the Codebase Database Server service is installed and running. The greater the power and speed of the disks of this machine, the greater the benefits of using this technology.

Microsoft SQL Server database

With the 2024 version, the possibility of non-native database support for Electro Graphics software archives is extended to Microsoft SQL Server, an option that is added to the technologies already available previously such as SQLite and MySQL.

SQL Server installations in Standard and Express versions 2000 and later are compatible with the functionality. It is necessary that the appropriate connection driver is installed in the system in advance. If not present, install one of the following compatible drivers:

- ODBC driver for SQL Server, versions 13 or 17.

- SQL Native Client 11.0 (2012), required for connecting to SQL Server in version 2000 and 2005.

The connection driver must be installed in the 32-bit or 64-bit version, in accordance with the version of Electro Graphics software installed. The connection requires user credentials with authentication type "SQL Server Authentication" (username and password).

Bookmark management in computational documents generated in PDF

Save PDF in PDF/A format

PDF/A is an international standard (ISO 19005) that specifies a file format for the long-term archiving of electronic documents. It ensures that documents can be viewed consistently over time, regardless of the software program used to open them. PDF/A files contain all the information needed to view the document with the same layout as when it was created, including text, images, vector graphics, fonts, colors, and more. PDF/A files cannot contain macros, instructions, or references to elements or information (such as fonts) external to the file itself.

To generate a document in PDF/A format with Electro Graphics products, you need to enable the Save in PDF/A option.

In  AmpèreCabloTabulaSolergo and Orders application, the new option is available in the Page Setup dialog box, Layout page.

The Save in PDF/A option allows you to create a PDF file in PDF/A format that is useful for long-term document preservation.

Utility for merging PDF files

 The Merge PDF Files function merges multiple PDF files into a single file. It can be used for PDF files created by Electro Graphics or others.

The function is always available within the Utilities application, a container of various functions that can be useful when using Electro Graphics software.

To start the Merge PDF Files utility, from the Windows application menu, select Electro Graphics Series 2024 and select Utilities.

The files added to the list can be sorted by drag & drop.

The generated PDF file contains bookmarks composed of the names of the combined files.

The Merge PDF function, available in the toolbar of the print window in Tabula, generates a new PDF file from the merging of the PDF files in the list.

The new file contains bookmarks with the print titles. The command is activated in the presence of at least two PDF prints in the print list.

Automatic bookmarks

The Save PDF function available in the toolbar saves the document set in PDF format.

With the new version, bookmarks of the chapters or the extended structure are automatically added to the PDF based on the print settings.

Graphics interface with handling text height and font set in Windows, particularly useful for HiDPI and 4K monitors

Windows allows you to modify the size of text, images, and interfaces displayed in Windows and in installed applications.

With the 2024 version, the graphical interface of all Electro Graphics software, including  Cablo and Tabula , has been completely updated to manage text height and font set in Windows. Now windows are automatically resized proportionally to the general Text Size parameter set in Windows.

The automatic resizing of windows according to the text size brings the following advantages to graphical interfaces.

- Better readability: Larger texts are easier to read, especially for people with vision problems.

- Greater accessibility: The automatic resizing of windows makes  Tabula more accessible to a wide range of users, including those with vision problems, motor disabilities, or learning difficulties.

- Better user experience: The automatic resizing of windows makes  Tabula more enjoyable to use, as it allows users to adjust the text size to their needs.


Wire representation on cable diagram, typically pre-wired, with wire development and attestation on connected components

The new Connect Cable function to be executed in CAD graphics environment  (CADeletSmartiDEA)  allows you to represent the connections between the terminations (pins) of the components and the conductors of a cable drawn in the electrical diagram with the Draw Cable function.

This function introduces an alternative mode to the Define cable function (SETCAVO command) to connect drawn cables in the diagram.

Before using this function, it is necessary to have already drawn the cable in the current sheet using the Draw cable function (CAVO command). The components to be connected must also be present at its sides, with the free attestation pins or even simple wire terminations.

How to use the Connect Cable command

1. Start Connect Cable from the ribbon or execute CCAVO at the command line.

2. Select a cable drawn using the Draw Cable function (CAVO command) in the current sheet, near the end to be connected.

3. Select the connection points of the cable conductors. To select the connection points of the cable conductors, two modes are available. The desired mode can be selected via the option available at the command line.

• Select: select one or more points that you intend to connect to the cable. The points can usually correspond to the terminations of a symbol (pin) or wires present in the current sheet. Once all the connection points are selected, end the selection by pressing ENTER.

• Intercept: this mode allows, via elastic rope, to intercept the group of wires that you intend to connect to the cable. The intersection points between the lines constituting the wires and the elastic rope correspond to the connection points of the cable conductors.

3. The progressive selection of the connection points by the designer contributes to the construction of the conductor connection block. This block allows the connection of the conductors of the selected cable to the wires present in the drawing.

Note. The cable connection element is an attribute block with a name that begins with the prefix WRIF. The block presents a series of attributes equivalent to the normal pins of the schematic symbols of the type C1, C2, ... Cn in number equal to the conductors of the cable that you intend to connect. The CCAVO command automatically generates a block with the name WRIF followed by a progressive index. However, it is possible to use any block with these characteristics to connect the cable. The necessary conditions are therefore the name with the WRIF prefix and the presence of C-type attributes.

4. Once the phase of selecting the connection points is finished, a dialog box allows you to select the conductors of the cable to be associated with the new connections made. In the list displayed, the conductors are selected in number corresponding to the connection points identified in the drawing.

The cable connection information is used in the representations of cables, terminal blocks, and in the Cablo prints following the execution of the Schema Elaboration command (ELABSCH command).

Additional cable data in the Cable List print

Cablo allows you to print or insert in the drawing a table or list of the cables in the project, with the cable usage information.

To print a list or table of cables in  Cablo, you need to follow these steps:

In the Cable list page, select the cables you want to print.

Start Print Cables from the toolbar and in the Cable prints dialog box, select the print you want to run.

Click the Set Columns button to select the labels to include in the print.

With the new version of  Cablo, it is possible to add new labels to the customization of the Cable list and the Cable summary table. The new information is related to the cables used in the project:

• Maximum diameter

• Specific weight (kg/km)

• Total weight

• Fixed bending radius

• Mobile bending radius

Extension and updating of terminal blocks, cables and accessories archives

The implementations made to the cable archives include the following:

• Addition of new series: new cable series have been added, including fiber optic cables, data transmission cables, and industrial automation cables.

• Revision of existing series: existing series have been revised to include the latest news, such as new conductor types, new coatings, and new certifications.

• Integration of the latest news: the latest news has been integrated into existing series, such as new technical data, new images, and new drawings..


Interface with Autodesk Vault PDM, with exchange of catalogs and export of bills of materials (optional)

Autodesk Vault is a document management software that allows companies to organize project data, manage documentation, and track revisions and other development processes. Autodesk Vault is a data management tool integrated with the major Autodesk products.

In Tabula 2024, you can export the bill of materials directly to Autodesk Vault and therefore manage materials and bills of materials directly in Vault, saving time and improving overall process efficiency.

To do this, you use the Export Bill of Materials function.

Note. The export service to Autodesk Vault is optional. You must contact Electro Graphics for further commercial information.

When the export service to Autodesk Vault is active, in the export settings window you can select the box "Export Bill of Materials to Autodesk Vault".

By clicking the Vault Settings button, you can access all the options for mapping Vault item catalog fields to Electro Graphics archives.

Accessing the Vault Settings window requires service authentication, ensuring security and data protection. Once you have logged in, you can define how Vault item catalog fields are mapped to Electro Graphics archives. You can select the material properties present in the Electro Graphics bill of materials and assign each one a Vault property. You can also change the order of the exported properties.

After that, you can start the export by selecting Export Bill of Materials from the Utilities menu in the Tools toolbar. The items, including the base bill of materials, will be automatically loaded uniquely into Vault.

Here are some of the benefits of exporting the bill of materials to Autodesk Vault:

• Increased efficiency: Exporting the bill of materials to Autodesk Vault can save time and improve the overall efficiency of the material management process.

• Increased control: Autodesk Vault offers greater control over project data, allowing you to track revisions and other development processes.

• Increased security: Autodesk Vault offers greater security for project data, protecting it from unauthorized access.

If you want to learn more about exporting the bill of materials to Autodesk Vault, contact Electro Graphics.

Integration of user-defined data into the materials database with retrieval of the same in various reports

The Electro Graphics Materials Archive is a database that contains all the components available for design and documentation. Each component has a set of technical and descriptive data provided by the manufacturer, as well as other data added by Electro Graphics.

Now it is possible to add additional customized data to each component, called User Data. User data can be of any type, including text, numbers, dates, and booleans. There is no limit to the number of user data that can be defined.

To add user data, you need to open the Materials Archive window, select the component to which you want to add user data, and add them to the User Data page of the Properties window.

User data can be reported in Tabula's custom prints and tables.

To add user data to a custom print, it is very simple. Just open the Print dialog box, select the custom print template you want to modify, and in the model's Column Settings window, select the columns to include in the print.

User data can be exported from the Materials Archive in a format compatible with third-party management systems. To export user data, you need to open the Materials Archive window, select the components to export, and click the Export button.

In the Export window, select the export format and confirm on OK.

User data will be exported in the selected format.

Verification of the assignment of the alternative material code

The new "Verify alternative code assignment" command, available in the Utilities menu (Tools toolbar), displays in a grid that can be sorted by various columns, the correlations between the material codes of the project and their respective alternative codes.

In this way, it is possible to have an overview of the company codes used in the project, before exporting them to your ERP system, and to make a reassignment directly in the materials archive in case the alternative codes are missing or non-compliant.

It is possible to operate on the three alternative codes present. By double-clicking on an alternative code in the grid, the materials archive opens and the code to be assigned to the used alternative code is selected.

In the operation, it is possible to acquire other information from the archive: the Description and the Family.

This new functionality allows you to improve the management of material codes, ensuring that the alternative codes are always correct and up-to-date. This facilitates the export of material data to the ERP system and the reassignment of alternative codes if necessary.

Here are some of the advantages of using the new "Verify alternative code assignment" functionality:

• Better data accuracy: The alternative codes are always correct and up-to-date, which guarantees the accuracy of the data exported to the ERP system.

• Increased efficiency: The reassignment of alternative codes is simpler and faster thanks to the new "Verify alternative code assignment" functionality.

• Increased flexibility: The new "Verify alternative code assignment" functionality allows you to acquire other information from the materials archive, in addition to the alternative code, such as the description and family of the material.

Import of article catalogs into the archive from text files

The EgDbIO application allows you to automate the import of article catalogs from a properly formatted text file. The application can now be started from within the Materials Archive, by choosing Import from text file from the Utilities menu. Unlike the utility started from outside the archive, in this mode the path of the archives is not required because the current ones are used.

The columns that can be imported can be customized using the "Customize columns" button and are the same as those obtained with a copy operation of selected articles in the Articles archive and the subsequent paste operation in a text file. The column required for import is the one referring to Main code.

The following are the options available in the dialog box that appears at startup.

File to import - Select the text file from which to retrieve the data. The data can be separated by tab character (tab) or by comma (csv) and of ANSI or UTF-8 format.

Delete file at the end of an import - At the end of the import, the file is deleted. If the import file is generated automatically following changes or additions to your ERP system, it is advisable to activate this checkmark.

Database path - Indicates the current folder of the network paths used by Electro Graphics software.

Log file - The file reports the operations performed and any anomalies found during import.

Use English description if Italian description is not present - If the article description is not completed, the English description is assigned.

Check the existence of replacement codes on the database - If recoding information (replaced with) is used, the procedure reports any missing codes in the log.

Report the presence of alphanumeric characters in the group code - Checks that the group code is numeric.

Use alternative code if necessary, without adding missing main codes - If the main code is missing, the alternative code is used. In addition, the procedure only goes in update, without adding new codes.

The "Verify" button updates the log file without making changes to the materials archive.

Press the "Import" button to import the materials into the Electro Graphics materials archive.

Here are some of the benefits of using the EgDbIO application:

• Automates the import of article catalogs from text files.

• Allows you to import text files with data separated by tab or comma characters.

• Allows you to import text files in ANSI or UTF-8 format.

• Creates a log file that reports the operations performed and any anomalies found during import.

• Checks the existence of replacement codes on the database.

• Reports the presence of alphanumeric characters in the group code.

• Uses the alternative code if necessary, without adding missing main codes.

Improved utilities for updating and importing materials in the archive

Electro Graphics software offers new features to help users keep their materials archive up-to-date and import new lists of items from other management systems. These features can be launched from the Utilities menu in the Materials Archive.

Utility to prepend the manufacturer's code to all items

This utility prepends the manufacturer's code to all items in the materials archive. The option to keep the original material code has been added to facilitate the maintenance of historical projects and the transition to the new material coding. The utility "Prepend manufacturer's code" is launched from the Windows application menu: select Electro Graphics Series 2024 > Utilities.

Utility for associated items in the archive

The Associated Items utility function offers some automatic operations for the maintenance of price list items associated with materials in the entire Materials Archive.
The function can be launched from within the Materials Archive, by selecting "Associated Items Utilities" from the Utilities menu.

The items associated with the materials are contained in the price lists. Subsequent updates to the price lists require the materials associated archive to be updated.

The Associated items utility function performs the following functions:

- Replace the name of the price list: replaces the name of the price list for all items associated with the materials.

- Duplicate associated items: duplicates all items associated with the materials from the starting price list and associates them with the arrival price list.

- Delete associated items: deletes all items associated with the materials from the selected price list.

For example, if the items in the materials archive are associated with the Veneto 2023 price list, it is possible to associate all items with the new Veneto 2024 price list by selecting the "Replace the name of the price list" option. If you want to keep the reference to the old price list, you can use the "Duplicate associated items" option.

Archives implementation

Maintenance of the archives.

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